Black, Brownish Black, Dark Brown
Black, Dark Brown
Tanyang Gongfu, Zhenghe Gongfu, Zhengshan xiaozhong, Earl Grey Tea
Hunwal Assam Tea, Tarajulie Assam Tea, Assam Decaf, Assam Organic
Milk Content
Not required
Not required
Bitter, Bittersweet, Sweet
Malty Flavour
Hot water, Lemon, Sugar
Honey, Hot water, Milk
Physical Benefits
Beneficial for kidneys, lungs and heart, Improves digestion, Increases immunity, Protects bones, Strengthens bones
Makes better immune system
Mental Health Benefits
Fights depression, Gives calming effect, Increases alertness, Refreshes mind
Efficient stress buster, Improves mental health performance, Increases alertness, Mental clarity
Disease Prevention
Lowers risk of diabetes, Prevents cancer, Prevents Parkinson's disease, Treats artherosclerosis
Prevents cancer, Prevents heart disease, Reduces cardiovascular diseases
Overall Health Benefits
Detoxifies your body, Oral Health, Useful for weight control
Fights bad breath, Oral Health, Prevents tooth decay, Protects the teeth, Useful for weight control
Hair Care
Not Available
Not Available
Skin Care
Not Available
Not Available
Low Risk Side Effects
Dizziness, Headache, Irritability, Ringing in ears, Sleep disorders, Vomiting
Insomnia, Osteofluorosis
High Risk Side Effects
Convulsions, Diarrhea, Heartburn, Irregular heartbeat
Anemia, Diabetes, Heart stroke, High blood pressure, Kidney stone
Short (236 ml)
Not Available
Caffeine Level
Safe Level
300.00 mg
300.00 mg
Harmful Level
500.00 mg
500.00 mg
Effects of Caffeine
Confusion, Hypokalemia, Insomnia, Muscle tremors, Sleeping Crisis
Anxiety disorder, Restlessness, Sleep difficulties
With Skimmed Milk
Not Available
Not Available
With Skimmed Milk and Sugar
Not Available
Not Available
With Whole Milk
Not Available
Not Available
With Whole Milk and Sugar
Not Available
Not Available
Alokozay, Ceylon, Lipton, Rosa Black Tea, Tazo, Tejava, Twinings
Ahmad Tea, Arbor Teas, Hampstead Tea, Teavana, Two Leaves Tea, Wegmans
Originated in
Origin Period
2700 BC
19th Century