Tea & Coffee

All About Tea


What is

Black, Brown, Green, Red, Yellow 0

White, Yellow, Green, Oolong, Black, Post Fermented, Herbal, Rooibos, Mate, Blooming, Jasmine Tea, Pu-erh 0

Milk Content
Half a cup 0

Little bitter, Sweet 0

Serving Style
Hot, Iced 0

Milk, Spices, Sugar, Water 0

Number of Servings
1 0

Time Required

Preparation Time
5 minutes 5

Cooking Time
5 minutes 5


Health Benefits

Physical Benefits
Beneficial for cough & cold, Improves digestion, Increases immunity, Keeps blood pressure in control, Keeps digestive tract healthy, Lowers cholesterol, Makes better immune system, Protects bones 0

Mental Health Benefits
Headache cure, Increases alertness, Mind stimulation, Relieves tension, Strengthens mood 0

Disease Prevention
Lowers post workout muscle pain, Prevents cancer, Prevents Parkinson's disease, Reduces bacterial and fungal infection, Reduces menstrual pain 0

Overall Health Benefits
Detoxifies your body, Have anti bacterial properties, Prevents tooth decay, Useful for weight control 0

Hair Care
Improves hair texture 0

Skin Care
Slows down the aging process 0

Side Effects

Low Risk Side Effects
Anxiety, Constipation, Sleep disorder 0

High Risk Side Effects
Diarrhea, Kidney disorder, Skeletal fluorosis, Worsens glaucoma 0


Caffeine Content
26.00 mg 7

Serving Size in USA

Short (8 floz)
26.00 mg 6

Tall (12 floz)
Not Available 0

Grande (16 floz)
Not Available 0

Venti (20 floz)
Not Available 0

Serving Size in UK

Short (236 ml)
26.00 mg 5

Tall (354 ml)
Not Available 0

Grande (473 ml)
Not Available 0

Venti (591 ml)
Not Available 0

Caffeine Level
Low 0

Safe Level
400.00 mg 1

Harmful Level
500.00 mg 1

Effects of Caffeine
Cardiac arrhythmias, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, Sleep difficulties 0


Without Sugar
0.00 Kcal 0

With Sugar
24.00 Kcal 19

With Skimmed Milk
10.00 Kcal 2

With Skimmed Milk and Sugar
34.00 Kcal 2

With Whole Milk
19.00 Kcal 3

With Whole Milk and Sugar
43.00 Kcal 2

Calories With Additives
43.00 Kcal 9

0.00 gm 0

0.40 gm 4

0.10 gm 37


Bigelow, Harney & Sons, Lipton, Tazo, Tetley, Twinings, Yogi Tree 0


Originated in
China 0

Origin Period
10th Century 0

Famous 0

Summary >>
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Types of Tea

Tea Amazing Facts

Is Tea beneficial for us? Are there any side effects? Get to know all about Tea amazing facts at a glance here. By knowing all about Tea, you will be able to decide which additives make its taste better.

Know All About Tea

Do you like Tea? Then know all about Tea color, taste, type, serving style etc. which will make you fall in love with it. Different types of tea and coffee come in variety of shades. In particular Tea comes in Black, Brown, Green, Red and Yellow colors. Tea is served in various styles depending upon the region but it basically tastes Little bitter and Sweet. Most commonly, it is served Hot or Iced. After knowing all about Tea, it makes you eager to know more about other popular beverages? Here's a list of common beverages. These beverages also contain caffeine, so check all the effects and amount of caffeine in these beverages.

Different Types of Tea

Types of Tea

» More Types of Tea

Different Types of Tea

» More Different Types of Tea